Recommended answer:
This is a common interview question and any job applicant should take a sheet of paper and write down a clear answer before attending the job interview.
The following would be the wrong things to tell to your potential employer:
- My boss is not good...
- There are many problems in that school/college...
- They treat employees badly there...
- I have some health problems...
- I want to learn new things, therefore I am applying for a job in your school/college/company...
- I need more time to devote for my family...
The above answers are INCORRECT. These and a few similar answers would not help you to get the job.
Get some useful ideas how to answer this question here...
Recommended answer:
The answer can be similar to the one that was given before. If they ask you the question 'How would you deal with students with limited English speaking proficiency?', they will most probably not ask you 'What is your experience working with students who have limited language proficiency?' You should prepare one answer in such a way that it would be suitable for both questions.
Similar question...
Recommended answer:
If you are not sure how to answer this question directly, try to explain in the following way:
There are two ways of speaking, public speaking and face-to-face communication. I teach both..., etc., etc. Then tell how you teach and what assessment criteria you apply, and how you motivate your students. Also, what material you use...
You can add that you divide your class into three language proficiency levels based on the results of the diagnostic test that you give them during the first class.
You will find more ESL job interview questions with recommended answers here.
Recommended answer:
Hot Potatoes enable teachers create interactive web-based teaching exercises which can be delivered to any Internet-connected computer equipped with a browser. The exercises use HTML and JavaScript to implement their interactivity but you do not need to know anything about these languages in order to use the programs. All you need to do is enter the data for your exercises (questions, answers, responses, etc.), and press a button. The program will create the web pages for you, and you can then upload them to your server.
There are 5 basic programs in the Hot Potatoes suite:
1. The JQuiz program creates question-based quizzes. Questions can be of four different types, including multiple-choice and short-answer. Specific feedback can be provided both for right answers and predicted wrong answers or distractors. In short-answer questions, the student's guess is intelligently parsed and helpful feedback to show what part of a guess is right and what part is wrong. The student can ask for a hint in the form of a "free letter" from the answer.
2. The JCloze program creates gap-fill exercises. Unlimited correct answers can be specified for each gap, and the student can ask for a hint and see a letter of the correct answer. A specific clue can also be included for each gap. Automatic scoring is also included. The program allows gapping of selected words, or the automatic gapping of every nth word in a text.
3. The JCross program creates crossword puzzles which can be completed online. You can use a grid of virtually any size. As in JQuiz and JCloze, a hint button allows the student to request a free letter if help is needed.
4. The JMix program creates jumbled-sentence exercises. You can specify as many different correct answers as you want, based on the words and punctuation in the base sentence, and a hint button prompts the student with the next correct word or segment of the sentence if needed.
5. The JMatch program creates matching or ordering exercises. A list of fixed items appears on the left (these can be pictures or text), wth jumbled items on the right. This can be used for matching vocabulary to pictures or translations, or for ordering sentences to form a sequence or a conversation.
In addition, there is a sixth program called the Masher. This program is designed to create complete units of material in one simple operation. If you are creating sequences of exercises and other pages that should form a unit, you may find the Masher program very useful. The Masher can also be used to upload web pages not created with Hot Potatoes to the server. More...
There is a tutorial on editing source files in Hot Potatoes:
Also, there are a few good articles regarding Hot Potatoes:
I hope the above was useful.
Similar question with an answer...
You will find more ESL job interview questions-answers here:
<a href=""></a>
Recommended answer:
If you have no experience in program design, you cannot say much. But if you conduct some internet research, you will find quite a few useful tips how to answer this question. Regarding courses, you could probably speak about your teaching experience (about the courses that you taught) and the materials or handouts you used in the classroom.
Prepare your answer in advance. Write it, edit it, and make sure it would be OK to say what you wrote.
Be specific and tell about yourself in relation to the position you are applying for. Tell clearly what skills you have. Focus on those skills that are required and explain why you were interested in that job.
And NEVER TALK TOO MUCH. Nobody wants to employ a 'chatterbox'.
You will find more ESL job interview questions with provided answers here...
Recommended answer:
Actually you know so much about yourself and you could talk for hours... But at the job interview you need to sort things out and say something relevant to the job you are applying for. The recruiter needs to know what you can do if they offer you the position.
If an interviewer asks you this type of question you have to know what to say. Unfortunately, most applicants do not prepare a clear answer to this question and talk the wrong way. Some applicants start reading their CV; others start talking about their home town and secondary school experience. Very few talk to the point. What is the point and why are you asked this question?
Learn more how to answer this question here...
Recommended answer:
This zany question tests an applicant's ability to deal with unusual questions, cope with difficult and unexpected situations or work under atypical
One of the best answers I heard was from a Chinese ESL lecturer (when I was recruiting university lecturers and professors in Guangzhou, China). She answered:
I'm constantly full of
various multicolored ideas... therefore... I think that... My brain has even more
colors than a rainbow. She was offered the job.
To find more ESL job interview questions with provided answers, click HERE...
Recommended answer:
Analogical question would be:
Does your brain colour change throughout your life or does it remain the same?
To answer this question you should have in mind that the recruiter actually means, 'How much of useful ESL teaching and research experience and skills have you gained over the past three years?'
Tell about your skills and experience that you gained over the past two or three years.
Recommended answer:
Many job applicants try to answer this question directly in one of the following ways or, to make it worse, answer it with a question:
- Blood runs through the vessels therefore my brain colour is red...
- I think it is red now because I have a huge headache...
- Why are you interested in my brain?
- Why are you asking this question?
- There is no colour in my brain...
- Cut it and you will see...
The above answers (also questions) would not give you a good ESL teaching position.
In fact, the reason why the question was asked by the recruiter was to find out what colour represents your personality best.
You can answer that your brain is red because you are always hot - you are always on fire with new ideas, therefore your brain is always full of new plans, etc.
There are more possible answers:
Your brain can also be transparent because you are an honest person.
And even more:
Your brain can be like a rainbow because you are full of interesting, colourful ideas.
See also a similar question here...
You will also find useful ESL job interview questions-answers here:
One of the most difficult questions is What is the color of your brain? Most applicants fail...
What is the best answer?
Some people say 'red'. Others say 'transparent'. Or: 'Cut it and see it...' :)
Some applicants answer, 'Why do you want to know it?'